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Naas Town Development Plan 2011 - 2017 2 Year progress Report (Acrobat pdf, 475KB)

Table of Contents (Acrobat pdf, 464KB)

Chapter 1 - Introduction (Acrobat pdf, 923KB)

Chapter 2 - Strategic Context and Core Strategy (Acrobat pdf, 2,401KB)

Chapter 3 - Economic Development (Acrobat pdf, 2,959KB)

3-1 Main Employment Zones Map (Acrobat pdf, 2,059KB)

Chapter 4 - Housing (Acrobat pdf, 1,090KB)

Chapter 5 - Town Centre (Acrobat pdf, 1,644KB)

5-1 Town Centre & LAP Lands Map (Acrobat pdf, 2,142KB)

Chapter 6 - Retail (Acrobat pdf, 1,946KB)

6-1 Core Retail Area Map (Acrobat pdf, 356KB)

Chapter 7 - Movement and Transport (Acrobat pdf, 2,567KB)

7-1 Road Hierarchy and Indicative Roads Map (Acrobat pdf, 3,054KB)

Chapter 8 - Water Drainage and Environmental Services (Acrobat pdf, 3,729KB)

8-1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Map (Acrobat pdf, 2,201KB)

Chapter 9 - Energy and Communications (Acrobat pdf, 788KB)

10-1 Open Space & Green Network Map (Acrobat pdf, 4,031KB)

Chapter 10 - Social, Community, Recreation and Amenity (Acrobat pdf, 3,978KB)

10-2 Future Park- GreenBelt Map (Acrobat pdf, 998KB)

Chapter 11 - Architectural, Archaeological, Natural Heritage and Biodiversity (Acrobat pdf, 4,369KB)

11-1a Protected Structures- Town Centre Map (Acrobat pdf, 1,049KB)

11-1b Protected Structures (Acrobat pdf, 1,957KB)

11-2 Architectural Conservation Area (Acrobat pdf, 669KB)

11-3 Archaeological Zone of Potential (Acrobat pdf, 899KB)

11-4 Natural Heritage Incl Views and Prospects Map (Acrobat pdf, 1,380KB)

Chapter 12 - Urban Design & Opportunity Areas (Acrobat pdf, 3,410KB)

Chapter 13 - Development Management (Acrobat pdf, 1,635KB)

Chapter 14 - Land Use Zonings (Acrobat pdf, 2,576KB)

Chapter 14 - Land Use Zoning (Acrobat pdf, 166KB)

Kildare Local Authorities Housing Strategy 2011-2017 (Acrobat pdf, 1,375KB)

14-1 Land Use Zoning Objectives (Acrobat pdf, 4,416KB)

Appendix II - Record of Protected Structures (Acrobat pdf, 3,592KB)

Land Use Zoning Map (Acrobat pdf, 4,416KB)

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