Barnfields is a two-form entry Primary School situated on the outskirts of Stafford and serves mainly the Wildwood and Baswich areas of the town. The buildings are surrounded by extensive playing fields and environmental areas.
In July 2016, Barnfields Primary School converted to an Academy as part of a Multi Academy Trust (MAT) with Leasowes Primary School. The MAT is named SESAT (South East Stafford Academy Trust). This is an exciting partnership that is driven through our shared belief of providing our children with a broad and exciting curriculum.
Our children achieve well and progress through a love of learning. They develop high self-esteem, confidence and independence, supported by our strong and embedded values of:
The children of Barnfields are curious, ask questions, tackle challenges, solve problems, make informed choices and take risks in a supportive environment. We believe the best chance of success for each child comes when there is a partnership between home and school. Therefore, we look forward to working alongside you to achieve this for your child.
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