Online Course Evaluation Surveys: 3 Smart Ways to Get Course Feedback

Did you know that 88% of consumers around the world read reviews before purchasing products and that 49% of buyers rely on online reviews as much as personal recommendations? Undoubtedly, consumer feedback plays a crucial role in the sales process!

Feedback is essential to moving your eLearning business forward, as it opens up a valuable dialogue with your students. Collecting feedback reveals hidden gems from your learners – you can find out what they think of your instructional materials and their overall experience at your online school.

Each time you receive constructive feedback from your learners, use it to your advantage: improve your digital products, reiterate your course design and course structure, or even turn positive comments into lead-capturing testimonials.

In this blog post, we simplify the feedback process for you and show you three smart ways and the best tools to collect course feedback and how you can turn this feedback into action. We’ll also give you online course feedback examples with specific questions for different types of surveys.

Last but not least, we’ll explain how you can build your feedback survey using our platform, LearnWorlds . That’s right – our platform has a robust built-in survey builder with customizable templates with ready-made survey questions and beautiful designs you can work around!

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How to Collect Constructive Course Feedback

In the quest for getting honest feedback from your students, first, ask yourself the following:

These three questions should help you come up with the most appropriate ways and actions to approach your learners.

Here, we suggest the 3 most effective and commonly used ways to send out student evaluations.

1. Create In-Course Surveys

The best time to ask for feedback, especially on teaching effectiveness, is when the student is already engaged in your course. You can add a course feedback form at any point during the course or at the end of it when the students will have a more complete picture.

If you want, you can include more than one survey – a very brief one after a couple of lessons to capture the vibe of the learners and a longer one at the end. Choose this option if your course has synchronous elements so you can identify dissatisfied learners on time and reach out to them.

Forms can be either built into your course using a native tool, embedded as learning units , or as external links that open inside your course.

2. Email Your Learners

Another efficient way to reach out to your learners is to email them. After all, email boasts a great average open rate of 23.42% in the education and training industry. In our most recent email sequences article , you can find an email example of a product review email you can customize to ask for feedback.

The email subject should be personalized and clear. Be specific about what you’re asking and go straight to the point to increase not only your opening but also your response rates.

Email Subject Headline Examples:

Getting the email subject headline right means that you are setting up the scene effectively, and your students immediately know what you expect from them.

Keep in mind also to:

3. Conduct Personal Interviews

A one-to-one interview is the most direct way to get feedback. In fact, some of your students may prefer it. You can dedicate anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour. Apart from requesting feedback, you can spend some time answering their questions or offering advice relevant to your niche, which shows that you care about them. Most people appreciate that.

You can select a number of your most representative learners to conduct 1:1 interviews if your student database is large.

Likewise, asking your students their opinion on how things could improve is going the extra mile. If you come to think about it, you are doing this for them. You are taking the time to understand them so that you become able to offer a more personalized solution that works along with their learning needs.

Personal interviews can reveal a great deal of insightful information when you are asking the right questions. Boast, a widely popular platform for requesting, collecting, managing, and sharing customer feedback, has recently released an extensive list of feedback questions to address every part of your business, from customer service to market research.

Depending on your online school’s needs, you can take what you need from the list. Once you prepare your questionnaire, send your customers a personal invite and schedule the date, the time, and the place – either offline or online – to talk to them. Also, find which way they prefer, as you can offer phone interviews using landline phone service providers or conducting interviews via conferencing apps.

Make sure you clarify the subject matter of the interview so that your customers will know exactly what to expect. Keep in mind that if you run an e-learning business with third-party trainers, you can also collect instructor feedback about your course content.

How to Create a Course Evaluation Template

Student learning and teaching online is complicated, and measuring everything around it could be no different. Creating a good and unbiased survey for your online course evaluation has a lot to do with its structure and the questions that you include in it.

There are several factors to consider when creating course evaluation questions for your feedback surveys, so h ere are some useful guidelines you need to pay extra attention to: