A Process Server's job isn't complete until a signed & notarized affirmation or service has been mailed. It contains the sworn statement of the Process Server, and is the resulting tangible product generated by a request for Service of Process.
An Affirmation of Service is a supporting legal document which a Process Server uses to attest to: delivery of specific legal documents; to an individual or entity; at a unique location; on a designated date and time; in a particular manor; as described therein, and required by law.
Attention to detail becomes very important knowing that the Judge will carefully read every notarized document submitted. As members of the National Association of Professional Process Servers ( NAPPS ) and the New York State Professional Process Server's Association ( NYSPPSA ), we strictly adhere to the highest ethical standards and industry best practices.
Eviction Notices often require USPS First Class and Certified Mail. The green tag with the tracking number and red date stamp will be stapled to the affirmation as required at no additional charge .
The term " sewer service " in reference to s ervice of p rocess describes someone who'd toss the paperwork down the sewer and falsely claim they'd tried their best. There are still those who'll try, however t oday's residents now have the ability to utilize inexpensive home security cameras.
Although " Proof of Service " is typically considered to be the Affidavit , we go the extra mile!
The name of the process server, GPS coordinates, and the date & time are stamped onto each of our digital photos! This integral part of our attempt log precludes the possibility of making such a mistake.
While GPS Logging for Process Servers isn't required, our goal is to provide complete transparency.
When a court is considering whether to accept an aff irmation of service, it may consider the credibility of the process server. In general, courts in New York State have the discretion to reject affidavits if they believe that the process server is not credible or that the affidavit is not reliable. If the process server has a conviction, the court may be more likely to find that the affidavit is not credible.
Our blog post focusing on what to look for when hiring a process server will explain how and why courts can and do reject affirmation of service those with criminal convictions regarding "crimes of moral turpitude"